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The Weather

It is with some trepidation, in these days of climate change, that we’re adding a page on the weather!  We’ve only experienced one season here, and everyone tells us things are different now every year.

Typically, you can expect summer from June to August, with temperatures getting up to the low 30s.  As we’re at 600m, it doesn’t get as ridiculously hot here as elsewhere in the South of France.  We are south facing, so get sun from the first light of dawn to the last rays of sunset.

Autumn is beautiful and can go on past Christmas if we’re lucky.  This year we were still having lunch outside in January.  Mornings are misty and mellow and afternoon temperatures in the 20s are a regular pleasure.

Winter proper comes with the snows in January and is accompanied by the skiing fraternity.  February and March are the snowiest and it can hang around until April.  April and May are when the rains are most likely to keep this incredible green valley looking its best.

But things are changing, so there’s no guarantee it will actually turn out like this!

The French national weather forecast can be found here – look for Occitanie as the region.